17 Best Cross-browser Checking Tools (For Web Developers)

There is an array of different browsers out there with millions of users for each of them. So when a website or web app is created, it becomes pertinent to test its compatibility with all the different browsers. And the best and most convenient way to do so is with cross-browser checking tools.

If you’re looking for some good solutions, then take a look at this list of reliable and comprehensive cross-browser checking tools.

These tools have different features and cater to a number of needs for website compatibility testing. Read on to know which one would suit you best.

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One of the first cross-browser testing sites, it allows you to test your website in several browsers including some old ones like Lynx, Konqueror, and Seamonkey.

It’ll generate screenshots to show how your site renders on different browsers. Only downside is that your site needs to be online to be tested with this tool.


Browser Sandbox

It is a desktop and tablet application with which you can run multiple browsers like native browsers without having to install VM and the OS.

It provides a wide range of browsers including some older versions of Internet Explorer as well as the Canary or Development release of browsers.

Browser SandboxBrowser Sandbox


A desktop app that brings multiple browsers from IE 7 – 11, Edge, Firefox as well as Chrome versions. You can use it to test your site both for desktop as well as mobile with the emulator and with the option to run the test manually or automatically.



An online service where you can run cross-browser tests for different platforms. You can, for example, choose whether to test your site on Firefox or Chrome that runs on Windows, Linux, or macOS.

It also provides an integrated debugger tool, geolocation tool, and allows testing on localhost site – features that developers will really appreciate.


Experitest Cross Browser Testing

This tool enables you to test your site’s compatibility and performance on different environments. It also makes it easy to integrate with services like Github, Gitlab, Jenkins, TravisCI, and CircleCI allowing you to streamline your website’s deployment workflows.

Experitest Cross Browser TestingExperitest Cross Browser Testing


One of the prominent names on cross-browser testing and used by some big open-source projects such as jQuery and React.js, BrowserStack lists hundreds of browsers, mobile devices, and testing starategies to ensure that your websites work in as many environments as possible.



SauceLabs provides a complete testing tool for browser compatibility for any size of website whether you’re an enterprise, small to mid-size business, or a thriving open-source project.



Without needing to write code, this tool allows you to run an automatic compatibility test for both a public or localhost sites across multiple browsers as well as take screenshots and videos on the tests performed.



TestingBot provides a complete testing starategy for websites as well as native mobile apps. So not only that you can spin browsers, but you can also run a test on a real iOS or Android device.



If you need to test a site quick and easy on Internet Explorer, BrowserLing might be the tool you’re looking for.

Test your website easily and interactively in some browsers including the old ones like Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Safari 4 and 5.



Comparium comes with a free tool that allows you to test your site by taking screeshots on two different environments and comparing them side-by-side. It’s an overall easy to use web application if you’d like to do quick and reliable tests.



Puppeteer is a Node.js module that provides API to interact with Chrome and Firefox browsers.

You can utilize the API to take a screenshot, generate PDF of the site, automate user-interactions like form filling and keyboard input, and overall testing your website automatically.



Playwright is a project by Microsoft designed for automatic browser testing with a simple API. Besides emulating user interaction, it can also intercept network requests, emulate mobile devices, geo locations, and permissions.

Playwright supports Chromium-based browser, Firefox, and Webkit (like Safari).



NightWatch.js a Node.js module for end-to-end testing. With an easy to use API, you can check whether an element contains particular text, or whether it’s visible or hidden, and even test for CSS class, ID, and properties.



Cypress is a testing suite that makes end-to-end testing and debugging on modern web applications simple and easy.

Not only that it runs test but also record the state for each test performed. You can travel back to each of these states and compare how things changed in between, which also makes debugging for web applications more intuitive.



A Node.js automation test framework. It supports many JavaScript libraries, such as React.js, Vue, and Angular, out-of-the-box.

As it’s based on W3C WebDriver and Chrome DevTools, a standard and well-accepted protocol, the test can run locally or on a cloud service like SauceLab, BrowserStack, and TestingBot.



Selenium is a kind of the backbone of automatic browser testing tools. It does not actually provide a testing utility or framework, but it can be extended to create one.

In fact, many of the testing frameworks, apps, or services, including some of the tools included here are based on Selenium drivers.


The post 17 Best Cross-browser Checking Tools (For Web Developers) appeared first on Hongkiat.


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